Raw Food Challenge: Day 4
At my job they are used to seeing me walk in with my morning green smoothie. When they ask me (with coffee cup in hand) about it, I say with a smile “this is my version of coffee, it gives me all the energy I need!” They have been getting increasingly interested in my smoothies. Now there are about six others that have started to bring in their smoothies too! I love it! 🙂
Now that I am doing this raw food challenge, I tell them about it, share pictures of the food I am eating and even share some of my food with them and they are really getting into it. In fact, one of the nurses brought in a brown bag filled with produce and said “this is my lunch for today, I’ve decided to take the challenge too.” As you can imagine I was thrilled! It’s nice to have the support as you do it.
I wanted to share that because sometimes initially you may get strange comments or looks about what you are eating. But always respond positively and with a smile, and slowly you may find that the same people have been watching you, with time and are becoming interested just because they see you sticking with it and enjoying it. This can apply to your spouse, family, co-workers or friends. So don’t be embarrassed about it or hide it! Just do what you normally would do and even if they don’t become interested in it you are doing it ultimately for you no one else.
Today was a long stressful day for me so my husband treated me to my favorite restaurant in Los Angeles, Sun Cafe. There is nothing so bad that can happen that a little Sun Cafe can’t cure! hehe. Even my husband who is not a rawfoodie is always willing to eat there. I always tell everyone to try it, whether a raw foodie, attempting raw or just a foodie it’s a must try! They will have meat eaters coming back for more!
I started off with this creamy deliciousness: Portobello soup, such a comfort food!
Then moved on to this huge plate of Jicama nachos, every time I eat this I can’t believe it is meatless and vegan. The “meat” really tasted like meat and the “cheese” sauce and “sour cream” are so incredible you don’t even realize it’s raw or vegan. This is one of my favorite dishes there and highly recommend it!
So far I’m really enjoying this raw food challenge and I hope it’s inspiring you to eat more raw food! 🙂
Posted in Wellness and tagged with challenge, co-workers, coffee, comforting, creamy, eat, eating, embarrassed, energy, enjoying it, family, favorite, favorite dishes, food, friends, green smoothie, how to, interested, Jicama Nachos, Los ANgeles, lunch, meatless, Portobello soup, produce, Raw, raw food challenge, rawfoodie, respond positively, restaurant, share food, smile, spouse, sticking with it, strange comments, stressful day, Sun Cafe, support, vegan, watching you

About Me
Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
As an RN and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my desire to empower you to take charge of your life.
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