Raw Food Challenge: Day 5 With a Raw Food Chef
So it has already been five full days of eating 100 percent raw food. I really thought I would crave something cooked, but I am just loving this! Tonight we were invited by a good friend of mine to a raw food party! That was super exciting to me for a few reasons. First, it’s all raw food, what’s not to be excited about! Hello! 🙂 Second, because I have never been to a raw food party, and third because Stacy Stowers a raw food chef also known as the raw food nanny was here from New York and was preparing all the food! How exciting was that?? In case you haven’t heard of her she is famous for her “HAPPY SHAKE”. Here we all are with Stacy (far right) enjoying a taste of it!
One thing I really appreciated about her and the experience is that she kept everything so simple but so delicious. Some think taste must be sacrificed for health, but she proves that theory absolutely wrong! What was fun to watch were all those who have never tried raw food before. You could just see it on their faces the curiosity yet the disbelief that a raw food dinner could be filling (especially for the men) and that they would love it.
After having had appetizers like “ketchup and fries” or “chips and ranch dressing”, a delicious dinner of raw vegan burgers and tostadas, and scrumptious pies for dessert the crowd was pleased. Even if most of them won’t go home with the idea of eating a raw food diet, many of them recognized the need to increase raw foods in their diet and learned how to incorporated delicious raw foods into their diet. And to me that is a success!
Posted in Wellness and tagged with "chips and ranch dressing", "ketchup and fries", 100% raw food, 14 day raw food challenge, appetizers, burgers, delicious, dessert, diet, eating, filling, HAPPY SHAKE, how to, incorporate, need to increase raw foods, pies, Raw, raw food, raw food chef, raw food dinner, raw food nanny, raw food party, scrumptious, simple, Stacy Stowers, success, taste sacrificed for health, tostadas, vegan

About Me
Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
As an RN and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my desire to empower you to take charge of your life.
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