Hawaiian Pitaya Pineapple Smoothie
It’s been over two weeks since we moved here to Italy and two weeks since I’ve had a sweet succulent smoothie! As I post this my mouth is watering. I haven’t had access to a blender or even a decent food processor, both of which are now on the way (queue the cheering!) and so I’ve had to adjust my meals. I’ve been drinking a lot of fresh squeezed orange juice, and making my apple oatmeal for breakfast but my morning staple has always been my smoothie so I can’t wait to get back on track very soon with my routine!
So in the mean time please make this and enjoy it for ME, lol!
If you’d like to see how to core the pineapple as I did in the photo click on THIS post for step by step photos. It’s definitely a fun way to enjoy a smoothie.
This was one of those smoothies that I was rushing to make and looking to use up food I had left from the week, but as I tasted it I was so in love I had to stop, take some photos and write the recipe down so I could share it with you, cause I knew you’d love it too. It’s sweet, tropical, creamy, and just cold enough to be refreshing on a warm day.
Pineapple has amazing health benefits for us fibrofighters. It boosts the production of collagen, which helps ease joint aches and pain. It also contains the digestive enzyme bromelain, which aids blood circulation and reduces swelling and pain. That’s something everyone dealing with fibromyalgia needs, right? I know I do!
That’s why the raw food diet has helped me be free of my fibromyalgia symptoms because when the majority of your diet consists of anti-inflammatory foods that help reduce inflammation in the body the more results you’ll see. So including more of these foods in your diet the better you’ll feel!
Makes 32 ounces
2 cups pineapple, cubed
1 pitaya smoothie pack
2 cups coconut milk
1 cup dark frozen cherries
1 kiwi, ends removed (if organic leave the skin on)
1 banana
1 loose handful fresh mint
2 romaine lettuce leaves
Blend all the ingredients in a blender on high until smooth and pour into a large glass. Close your eyes and hear the gentle waves of the ocean, feel the warm sand at your feet and the gentle breeze against your face. You’re half way to Hawaii!
Posted in Recipes and tagged with benefits of pineapple for fibromyalgia, foods for fibromyalgia, healing fibromyalgia with raw food, Pitaya smoothie

About Me
Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
As an RN and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my desire to empower you to take charge of your life.
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