Apple Cinnamon Date Oatmeal Bowl (Raw Vegan) (Oat Free)
I can hardly contain myself as I write this post. My mind is all over the a good way! Tomorrow my husband and I are moving back to Italy! I say back because it’s his home town so it’s a very familiar place for me. I still can’t believe it! Even as I write it doesn’t seem real! I have such a mix of emotions from excitement, nervousness, to utter joy and some stress mixed in there!
I look forward to sharing my journey with you and I hope you come join me on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat (at glowwithhealth) where I’ll be showing you my new life there. Eeeek I am so happy!! I’d love for you to share with me in the comments below what you’d like to see from me while living there. What would you like me to share or post more about? I look forward to seeing how my recipes, my raw food lifestyle and my blog evolve from this transition and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. You can be sure I’ll be sharing it all with you!
Ok so now let’s talk about this Apple Cinnamon Date Oatmeal Bowl..
Fruit oatmeal makes for one of my favorite breakfasts. Whenever we have guests stay at our house I like to make it for them and it’s always a guaranteed success! With just a few simple ingredients, it’s simple to make and it keeps you feeling satisfied.
For me personally oatmeal’s such a comforting meal, because it reminds me of my nonna (grandma) who used to make it often when I was growing up. She heard it was good for cholesterol so she made some for breakfast as often as she could. I find myself craving oatmeal to this day, and honestly I don’t think it has anything to do with the taste or the love of it but simply because of where it takes me back to…nonna’s kitchen with her at the stove preparing it with her robe on and the heater going in the house. Anyway, a little detour down memory lane 🙂 lol.
This oatmeal bowl makes for a fab fibro fighter meal to help start the day off with more energy and less pain. Apples contain a substance called malic acid, in fact they’re one of the best sources for it. Malic acid gives the cells a burst of energy while reducing tenderness and muscle pain. If you’re a fibro fighter you know all too well about the gnawing tender, painful muscles. That was the story of my life!
Apples also contain fiber which we fibromites need to help with our digestion. That’s why I do so well eating mostly raw foods, all the fiber keeps my digestion optimal!
They also contain quercetin which studies are showing, works at cellular level to improve your mitochondrial health, boosting your energy, and acting as an anti-inflammatory agent.
So, maybe an apple a day does keep the doctor away! Well on the raw food diet it’s more like several apples a day, but one is a start :).
Fruit oatmeal can be made with so many different variety. Here are a couple of other ideas if you want to get creative: Pumpkin Pie Persimmon Breakfast Bowl , Apple Oatmeal, Spiced Apple Walnut Breakfast Bowl. This can be easily packed and taken with you to work or school and will last in the fridge for a day. If you want to make it heartier you can add some more nuts or seeds of choice or simply more fruit to top with.
Servings 1
4 sweet apples, cored
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
Several medjool dates, pitted and chopped
1 heaping teaspoon cinnamon
1 thumbprint size of fresh ginger root, peeled
(Optional) goji berries
Process above ingredients (except goji berries) in the food processor pulse blending until it becomes a coarse oatmeal like mixture. Be careful not to over process or it will become mushy. Scoop mixture into a bowl and top with fresh fruit and goji berries or nuts and seeds of choice.
Made with love.
PS.. Don’t forget to leave a comment below about what you’d like to see me posting and sharing about in my new life in Italy. I’m excited to hear from you!
Posted in Recipes and tagged with gluten free breakfast, healing fibromyalgia with raw food, oat free recipes, raw vegan breakfast recipe

About Me
Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
As an RN and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my desire to empower you to take charge of your life.
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