Raw Vegan Day 19 + Ginger Citrus Salad Dressing Recipe

Day 19 – Raw Vegan and Red Skin Syndrome Awareness

Wow, can you believe I only have 10 days left? This month has flown by. I am feeling much better today, thank you. Still burning arms and hands and a bit flarey on the décolleté, but nowhere near as bad as yesterday. Plus, I had a very good sleep.

Red Skin Syndrome Fireside Chat:

Today I wanted to talk about Caregivers. There are 3 different Red Skin Syndrome scenarios.

1 – You are an adult going through Topical Corticosteroid Withdrawal with children
2 – You are a child going through Topical Corticosteroid Withdrawal
3 – You are an adult with no children going through Topical Corticosteroid Withdrawal

If you are about to go through Topical Corticosteroid Withdrawal, it is IMPERATIVE you sit down with a handful of people and make them aware of what you (or your child) are about to go through, how long you could potentially  be ill and how much you need their love and support on any level. In all cases listed above you will want to discuss with family and friends what their ability is to help. You will need meals, cleaning house, food shopping, errands, laundry, baby-sitting, infant/child care, chauffeuring around to doctors and school. If you are a parent with a child you who is to undergo withdrawal, you may just want a few times a week where you can get out of the house and clear your head and a breath of fresh air.

Personally I could not have survived without the help of my husband, family and friends. Not only have they been helpful through providing physical assistance, their emotional support has been invaluable. I cannot emphasize enough, if you know someone undergoing Topical Corticosteroid Withdrawal, they need help. Anything from a phone call, to a card, to a meal, to a visit, to chauffeuring them somewhere will make all the difference in the world. I had an a plethora of help: my mother stayed with us for 2 months, then my sister stayed for 2 weeks, then I went to my parent’s home for 1 month, then many friends from my local congregation pitched in to help, later my father came for 2 weeks, my sister and her husband came back out for 2 weeks and I would spend 1 week every six weeks at my aunt and uncle’s home.

Unfortunately, not everyone has access to this much support. If you are alone and do not have any immediate family/friends to help, you may want to pay someone to come and assist for a while. The financial burden will pale in comparison to the physical burden you are about to undergo. You may also want to enlist the help of a counselor and find a medical practitioner you trust that can help you through this process.

For more information, check out www.itsan.org, the (ITSAN) International Topical Steroid Addiction Network.

Raw Vegan Day 19

BREAKFAST – Of course my quart of water. Plus, picked up a Kale Wrap yesterday at Whole Foods. It had tofu in it which I removed because I was unsure it was raw.

LUNCH – Smorgasbord of raw crackers, raw flatbread, guacamole, “rawmesco” spread, salsa, ginger carob cookie, coco cookie and key lime cream. The person who lent me the dehydrator came over today to check on me, so I pulled everything out of the fridge that was Raw Vegan and let her try everything. We mangied together and she said that my Juice Pulp Cracker (recipe from yesterday) was the BEST raw vegan cracker she has ever had. I was thrilled cause she’s been vegan forever!

SNACK – Made a super refreshing juice. Cut it 50/50 with water and drank it all. 14 Carrots, 4 Apple, 2 Meyer Lemons (peeled) and 1 Lime (peeled). I’m making flatbread tomorrow so needed a bunch of pulp.




DINNER – Spinach Salad with tangerine, pine nuts, avocado and zucchini.




Plus I made a citrus salad dressing.




Citrus Salad Dressing – Christine had a recipe for a Kale salad with grapefruit and an Orange dressing (https://justglowingwithhealth.com/zesty-kale-avocado-salad/). I decided I wanted a spinach salad with a Grapefruit Dressing.


Take 1 pink grapefruit peeled and chopped a bit, 2 tangerines peeled and chopped a bit, ½ inch ginger with peel on, 1/8 tsp of Himalayan sea salt, 3 ounces organic sesame oil, 1 tsp. lemon grass – throw it all in the blender together and blend until smooth. Pour a bit over salad and toss.














Heather Petersen

Facebook: Eczemancipated
Twitter: @HPEsthetics

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Christine Roseberry

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Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.

As an RN and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my desire to empower you to take charge of your life.

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