Hormone Balance and Your Immune System LIVE Interview
The hottest topic right now, other than the Coronavirus itself, is how to support and boost your immune system to avoid getting sick. Many have been reaching out to me asking for my tips on grocery shopping on lockdown, how to eat for health, what supplements I recommend, etc and I’ve been answering those questions on Instagram (@justglowingwithhealth). Now, being on complete lockdown not working I’m taking advantage of the situation dedicating more time to doing FaceBook and Instagram Live Videos to answer all the questions I’m getting and to share my tips as a nurse and holistic nutrition practitioner with you.
This week I’m interviewing with Dr. Ashley Kay, a Chiropractor/Professional International Power Lifter and Certified FIT nutrition. We get into how adrenal fatigue affects the immune system, hormonal imbalances can be caused from the foods we eat, how toxins from processed and fast foods can lead o fatty liver disease and we share the scientific breakdown of how stress affects the immune system.
Below are the two links to each live video from Instagram, unfortunately we had technical difficulties that caused us to have to break it up into two parts, but their power packed with information and I hope you’ll not only enjoy them but find them beneficial.
Please like and share them and comment below the videos letting us know your thoughts! If there’s any particular topic you’d like to hear us talk about or share our tips on please let us know below!
Posted in Wellness and tagged with adrenal fatigue, fatty liver, hormone balance, immune system

About Me
Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
As an RN and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my desire to empower you to take charge of your life.
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