Carrot Beet Pasta with Curry Tahini Sauce
Lately I have been on a veggie pasta kick. I love raw veggie pastas because they are a wonderful gluten-free alternative to pasta and are so satisfying. They don’t leave you feeling heavy and tired after the way real pasta does. Recently I discovered that not only do zucchini’s make for a wonderful pasta but so do many other veggies such as cucumber, beet, and carrot. They have a nice subtle sweetness to them and really have that ‘al dente’ feel like pasta so it makes for a great combination. In this dish I used all three to create more color and texture and I really enjoyed the combination. The cucumber noodles are softer which balances out nicely the crunchier carrot and beet.
When people think of a salad they usually think of a boring salad with iceberg lettuce, a dried up tomato and dehydrated vegetables or some other pitiful looking plate. If that is your idea of a salad then you have never eaten with a rawfoodie! lol Salads are a staple in my diet, I usually have a large salad for dinner to get all my greens in. That may sound boring but there is no such thing as a boring salad in my house! Really, this is a version of a salad, it’s just spiralized into a pasta but it is still raw veggies and a dressing. By making the simple change of texture, cut, or colors of the veggies it can be that much more varied and totally enjoyable. Just by switching the pasta from zucchini to carrot changes the dish altogether. So I encourage you to vary up your salads using different veggies, a variety of greens, fresh herbs like cilantro, basil, or parsley, and creamy delicious dressings like this curry tahini dressing, and even cut up the veggies into differently to create different textures. It’s amazing how eating the same veggies just in a different form makes it seem completely different!
These raw veggies pastas are so quick and easy to make they are perfect if you are short on time or coming home after a long days work and don’t feel up to making heavy, complicated meal. In fact, the sauce can be prepared in advanced and the recipe even doubled so you can have it on hand for a couple of days to pull from, so when you get home all you have to do is spiralize the noodles. I have a spiralizer that I use but if you don’t simply use a Julienne peeler. I got my Julienne peeler at my local farmers’ market for around eight dollars, it was the best eight dollars spent I sue it all the time when I don’t feel like pulling out my spiralizer. If you don’t have a Julienne peeler simply use a peeler, of course the pasta will change in size but the idea is the same.
This week my friend Lauren, over at Naturally Lauren, featured this recipe in a post sharing what I ate in a day so make sure to check it out here.
I hope you enjoy this recipe and if you try if please share with me how you liked it, I love hearing from you!
Love and GLOW.
Posted in Recipes and tagged with gluten free, pasta, raw food recipe, tahini sauce
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Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
As an RN and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my desire to empower you to take charge of your life.
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would love to find the receipe for the tahini sauce but cannot find it. You posted carrot beet pasta with tahini sauce but again i cannot find the receipe.
This recipe was featured on my friends blog this week so instead of writing the recipe I included the link to it at the very end of the post if you click there it will bring you to the recipe. I apologize if that was confusing! Enjoy! Xo