Cherry Chocolate Smoothie
When I first tried this cherry “chocolate” smoothie, adapted from Penni Shelton’s recipe over at Raw Food Rehab, my mouth about dropped! I think it is about the best smoothie I have ever tasted. I immediately shared it with friends and family, as I love doing, and they couldn’t get enough either. So, I am really excited for you to taste and share too.
If you love cherries, (and really is there anybody who doesn’t 🙂 ), get ready to fall in love! It is so deliciously creamy and sweet it will satisfy any sweet tooth. With the addition of carob to give it that chocolate taste, you mine as well just call it heaven!
At my job, about half of the nurses are walking around now with smoothies in hand. It is amazing to hear all of the success they are having from drinking one every morning for breakfast. Most started the beginning of the year and have continued. They are so happy to be losing weight, having little if any cravings during the day, and are coming off coffee thanks to it too! Many of them have made no other changes in their diet other than start their day off with a non-dairy smoothie made with fresh fruits and leafy greens added. So, don’t take for granted what just a little change in the right direction can do. After all, you have to start somewhere right?
Makes 32 oz
1 young Thai coconut (meat and water of)
12 oz frozen organic dark cherries (2 cups)
2 Tbsp carob powder (I used toasted)
3-4 medjool dates, pitted
1 ripe spotted banana
1 frozen banana
1 capful pure vanilla extract
(optional) 1 cup water, depending on desired consistency
Blend the coconut water and flesh together,then add the rest of the above ingredients. Blend until smooth. Sprinkle carob on top with a cherry.
Please share this smoothie recipe with someone you think would love it!
Posted in Recipes and tagged with cherry chocolate smoothie, dairy-free, loosing weight, Smoothie recipes
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Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
As an RN and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my desire to empower you to take charge of your life.
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Very good.
This recipe looks delicious. I was wondering if I could substitute an avocado for the banana in this recipe as Bananas trigger migraines for me? Thank you
Thanks Liz! Avocado is a great substitute for the creamy texture of banana.For me personally I somehow can always taste the hint of avocado even when mixed in with sweet ingredients. So you can also try pear, cashews or just more coconut flesh. I hope that helps! I’d love to hear how it comes out when you make it. 🙂