Raw Vegan Day 16 + Red Skin Syndrome Diagnosis
Day 16 – Raw Vegan and Red Skin Syndrome Diagnosis
Red Skin Syndrome Fireside Chat:
How does one figure out if they have Topical Corticosteroid Addiction (TSA)?
If you have been prescribed Topical Corticosteroids to treat some form of Dermatitis and have been using it for more than 3 months daily.
– or –
If you have been purchasing over-the-counter Topical Corticosteroids (Aveeno, Cortaid or no frills store brand, etc. that contain “hydrocortisone”) or using a friend/family member’s prescription Topical Corticosteroids to treat an ongoing allergic reaction rash type symptom that won’t go away after a couple of months.
– or –
If your doctor has begun to give you Systemic Corticosteroids to supplement your Topical Corticosteroid usage (e.g. An injection of a Corticosteroid or an Oral dose of something like Prednisone or other Corticosteroid, etc.) for a worsening Dermatitis that is spreading all over the body despite stronger and stronger doses of Corticosteroids.
– or –
If you are finding that the Topical and/or Systemic Corticosteroids are not permanently ridding the Dermatitis/rash you are trying to defeat.
What do you do?
Immediately go to www.itsan.org and read the FAQ page as well as other resources. Determine if you should cease Topical/Systemic Corticosteroids. You should consult a physician or multiple physicians until you find someone who has heard of TSA and is open-minded to treating you for it. You must make a plan before stopping steroids as it will take a minimum of 4-6 months out of your life with debilitating symptoms; maybe even longer if your usage has been years.
For more information, check out www.itsan.org, the (ITSAN) International Topical Steroid Addiction Network.
Day 16 Raw Vegan
Today, I do feel better than yesterday but have totally taken it easy and not done any food prep other than using the blender, putting stuff on plates and slicing a couple of things. I have tried to keep my liquid in take high and get a lot of rest.
BREAKFAST – 1 quart of water. 14 ounces of Coconut Water with 2 ounces of Organic Tart Cherry Juice.
LUNCH/DINNER – I made a plate of vittles and then had fun making a variety of little wraps. Tomato, avocado. Mustard, cucumber. Pickle, tomato. Avocado, apple, mustard. Each with a little raw flatbread wrap was awesome.
DESSERT – I haven’t really been craving anything that is sweet at all. This is kind of curious because in general I crave both sweet and salt. But I’ve been perusing the Ani Phyo’s Raw Food Dessert book that my friend left me last weekend and the recipes are so easy I thought I’d try a few. Tomorrow you’ll see the entire creation. But today I had a few Fruit crackers that I had made last week and spread some “Key Lime Cream” on them and a sprinkle of Cinnamon. (The recipe is not the same as Ani’s as I didn’t have all the ingredients in the house.)
Key Lime Cream Recipe:
2 Cups Cashews, ½ cup lime juice, ¼ cup raw Coconut Syrup, ¼ cup of Avocado Oil and about a cup of Organic Coconut Water. Blended it on high in my blender. I don’t have a Vitamix or Ninja so I had to stop the blender a few times and mix the stuff around and then turn it back on.
Other than the dallop you see above on my plate. I poured the cream into lined cupcake containers (made 10 cup cakes) and then put them in the freezer over night for the rest of my recipe tomorrow… Super simple!
Heather Petersen
Facebook: Eczemancipated
Twitter: @HPEsthetics
Posted in Wellness and tagged with dermatitis, healing with raw foods, Red Skin Syndrome, topical corticosteroids

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