Home Made Coconut Milk
If you are looking for a dairy-free, raw vegan, creamy milk replacement this coconut milk recipe is for you! It is so creamy and rich that it really feels like you are drinking milk. This is a great alternative to nut milks especially for those who may have nut allergies. Today it was so hot out and I was craving something cold and creamy…like milk. I just happened to have a young Thai coconut on hand so I whipped this up real quick and all I can say is… what satisfaction! It was exactly what I was looking for.
Just a side point, did you know that cow’s milk is filled with antibiotics, pus cells, pesticides, herbicides, blood, growth hormones and even viruses. Milk, organic or not, is an inflammatory, mucus forming food which is difficult for our bodies to digest. Click here for reasons that you may want to consider eliminating dairy from you diet.
Serves: 3-5 glasses
1 young Thai coconut, meat and coconut water of (the meat should be a little over a cup)
2-4 glasses of purified water
I’ll let you in on my little secret, if you buy the young Thai coconuts from WholeFoods they will usually cut the tops off for you, some even sell them with the tops already cut off. It’s really helpful to buy them that way, not to mention I’m all about keeping my ten fingers! lol. If not you can use a large knife, a cleaver knife is the best, and cut a whole at the base of the tip large enough to scoop out the meat.
The meat is much more soft and jelly like that it just peels off easily.
Blend the coconut meat and all the water together in a high-speed blender for at least a minute to two minutes. I only added 2 glasses of purified water because I like mine creamy, but if you prefer it more watered down just add more water as desired.
Enjoy this delicious, healthy, raw, vegan, dairy-free, alternative to milk!
Posted in Recipes and tagged with alternative to milk, coconut milk recipe, dairy-free, foods for fibromyalgia
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Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
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lol at keeping your 10 fingers. Ok i’m working on this with Z. And i’m going to add a banana. I tried it a few days ago and it was wonderful and sweet I think that Z would really love it!
I know I was thinking of you as I mentioned that! lol I think Z will love it too, the coconut just makes it so nice and creamy, and why not start young at getting kids taste-buds used to natural whole foods? They should be eating only the healthiest foods as their bodies are growing and developing. Drink an extra one for me! 🙂
Thanks Chrisrine! The closest thing to coconut I’ve seen here in Ch. is coconut drink.millnkeep looking. Sounds so delish.
If you love coconut this is wonderful.