Garlic Chili Cheeze Jicama Fries (Raw Vegan)
Tomorrow I will be taking off to the North West for a week. We will be starting off in Oregon meeting up with family and then driving up to Washington where we will meet with my brother and his fam. I am super excited cause I will finally get to spend time with my precious nephew who is only 9 months old! I also look forward to checking out any juiceries or raw vegan restaurants to share with you.
Before I take off I wanted to make sure I share this fabulously delicious, savory, satisfying, comfort food, snack. How’s that for an introduction! hehe.I had promised it quite a while ago and then got very behind due to a little work related injury to my shoulders. So I appreciate your patience! I think, though, that this recipe will be well worth the wait. 🙂
For all of you fries lovers this one is for you. I know I sure used to be one, and every once in a while, I get a little craving for them. But, I can guarantee you these jicama chili “cheese” fries hit the spot just as much, and then some. No greasy fat coming out of the pores after eating them. No worries or guilt about the added calories, no frying oil, no heart clogging ingredients. These fries actually feed your body! Go figure that kinda sounds like an oxymoron..fries that can feed your body? That is the beauty of raw foods, since they are not heated their vitamins, minerals and most important enzymes stay in tact nourishing your body bite by bite.
The spices in the recipe can really all be to taste, so add or subtract as you like. They can also be substituted with any spice of your choice.
1 small jicama, peeled and cut into fries
1-2 tablespoons high-quality olive oil
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
(optional) cilantro to garnish
NOTE: These seasonings are all to taste. Depending on how big the jicama is you may need to add more spices according to your taste. Each time I make it the measurements have to be adjusted a little different. Also, for substitution for jicama you can use daikon.
Directions: 1) Peel the jicama and cut into fries, 2) mix in the oil and spices 3) garnish with fresh cilantro or other herb.
I hope you love these as much as I did!
Posted in Recipes and tagged with chili cheese fries, jicama fries, raw food recipes, raw vegan
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Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
As an RN and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, it is my desire to empower you to take charge of your life.
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I think I’ll be making these tomorrow!
Oh wonderful! Let me know how you liked them. Enjoy Lauren! 🙂
These look great, but I cant get Jicama inEngland ,is there anything else i could use instead?
Hi Susan,
That is a good question. The only thing I can think of that would come close would be daikon radish, the taste would change but the texture would be similar. If you end up making them with that I would love to know how they turn out.
any suggestions for what to use instead of jikama, for those not in the US?
Hi Michael,
I have been getting that question a lot from those who are not in the US. The only thing that I can think of would be daikon radish, because of the consistency. I hope that helps. If you make them please let me know how they come out using them. Enjoy!
curious.. how much if any nutrition do you lose heating them?
Hello Laura,
Great question! When you heat food above 118 degrees you lose a considerable amount of vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals and especially enzymes, up to 85%. If you dehydrate them on low temperatures over a longer period of time then you can maintain these essential nutrients. In my article ‘Why Choose the Raw Food Diet’ it goes into more detail on that if you want to check it out too.
Xo Christine
That’s nice to know. I didn’t realize that it lost up to 85%. Thanks 🙂
Christine, Do you notice a difference in your digestion when you eat things like nutritional yeast or olive oil? Sometimes my body acts as though these items are cooked food. My digestion slows down, my elimination gets “off” and my face breaks out. Just wondering if you noticed any change in yourself.
Hi Kim,
That’s a good question. I do suffer from bad indigestion when I eat too much oils, nuts or high fat foods like avocado and also dehydrated foods. So I really try to eat small amounts to keep my digestion optimal. Nutritional yeast, though not raw, does not bother me. But if your body is that sensitive I would avoid those ingredients. It’s best to listen to your body and its reactions. If you have any other questions feel free to email me. 🙂
Oh, yummy. I have tons of julienned jicama that I didn’t know what to do with besides eating them raw…Thanks so much for the recipe.
Oh that’s perfect I’m so happy! Please share with me how you like them I always love to hear feedback. 🙂
Have a glowing day!
I have somehow STILL NEVER tried jicama, my best friend (who’s a raw foodie, too) keeps talkin’ about ’em for the past few YEARS….but these pics tell me I can resist NO LONGER!!!
I don’t have nutritional yeast, but lotsa engivita yeast, which I used to put on popcorn, it tastes soooo cheezy, I KNOW it’ll go well with this! (it tastes MUCH better than brewer’s yeast, never tried nutritional yeast…or perhaps their the same thing?)
Anyways, enjoy that precious little baby, give her a snuggle for me, & I look forward to checking out more of your blog, & following your posts!
God bless,
Hi my friend,
Oh yes you must try jicama, it’s such a delicious subtly sweet, crispy, refreshing vegetable! These fries are a good excuse to try some.:) I believe nutritional yeast is the same thing as engivita flakes, it makes these fries so nice and cheesy! I will definitely give my nephew a few extra cuddles for you, any excuse to keep him in my arms hehe. I am so glad you are enjoying my blog! Feel free to ask questions or give any comments I love feedback.
Have a glowing day!
Christine, these look sooooo good. I am going to try it!!!
Thank you! Please let me know how you like them!
I am tired of looking at these fries because they make me so hungry and they look so good.
Hi I was wondering how long exactly is “a few hours”. I’m new to dehydrating food and don’t want to mess these up.
I actually recommend these eaten raw they are so crisp and delicious, but if you prefer them warm you can put them in for about 5 hours, then check on them to see if they are to your desired temperature. Enjoy!
I’m so inlove with this recipe !!!!!!! thank yoooooooooU
I am so happy to hear that! They are my absolute favorite snack too. Enjoy and thank you for sharing your feedback on them.:)
Cristina ,io leggo l’inglese e lo capisco…però non lo scrivo , voleva sapere c’ose il (Jicama ) forse lo conosco con un nome diverso.
Voleva dirte che le tue ricette di cibo in grudo sono buoni e imparo un po’ alla volta ,per me è un po’ difficile seguire al 100 x 100 perché vado in casa di mio figlio Davide 3 giorni alla settimana così tratto di fare il meglio …… Per te e tuo marito con …AGAPE !!!
Ciao Anna! Non preoccuparti italiano va benissimo. Jicama e una verder (tuber) che si mangia in messico o sud america quindi magari se vai in un mercato latino si puo trovare facilmente. Non conosco altri nomi. Se hai un mercato chiamato Sprouts o WholeFoods anche li c’hanno. Comunque qui ce un link con un foto cosi ti da un idea. Un alternative sarebbe parsnip o daikon ma per me preferisco jicama.Sono cosi felice che stai cercando di seguire la dieta, spero che ti fa sentire meglio! Un abraccio forte a voi!
I can’t find jicama in my city but the way you describe it I think that Kohlrabi (German turnip or turnip cabbage) would be a great substitut! It tastes exactly as you descibe it: subtly sweet, crispy and refreshing. I’ll try it next week, thank you for the great recipe!
Thanks Yasmine,that’s good to know for those that need or want to substitute it! I hope you enjoy it. I’d love to hear how it turns out using the Kohlrabi. Xo
These are ADDICTIVE!!!!! Sooo good.
I added a little more garlic, because that’s my love. A touch of salt because I’m also a salt fan.
My jucina cane straight out of the fridge so it’s very crispy, juicy and cold. Next time (probably tomorrow?!) I will leave the jicama on counter to corn to room temperature first. I was surprised I didn’t even want to pop them in the dehydrator. They were just too good as is!
I’m so thrilled to hear how much you enjoyed them! One can never go wrong with extra garlic lol. I find them so super satisfying when I’m really craving something savory and crunchy, they really hit the spot. They definitely are better at room temperature and I personally prefer them not dehydrated they los that nice little crunch. Thanks so much for sharing with us :). Enjoy them tomorrow! XO