Raw Vegan Day 15 + Effects of Red Skin Syndrome
Day 15 – Raw Vegan and Red Skin Syndrome Testimonials
Red Skin Syndrome Fireside Chat:
So fantastic took a nose dive and in 24 hours I am back to pain. This morning I woke up to swelling, pain, burning, hot, cracked and very, very, very itchy skin from elbow to fingertip. My hands feel like paws. Although over all my mind is clear and I don’t feel unhappy, the overwhelming sensation in my arms and paws (yes paws, cause that’s how they feel and look) is too much to bear.
After waking up around 11:30am and completing my bathing routine around 1pm, I sat down to do some reading and research on Red Skin Syndrome for today’s post. I was not hungry at all and had to force myself to drink my quart of water and a flatbread sandwich. By 3:30pm I went back to bed until hubs got home around 5:45pm. I ate a bit and made a hydration flush drink. Now I’m typing this and then I’m going back to bed so I can call into a meeting I should have attended this evening with my husband.
This just illustrates the unpredictableness and debilitating effects of Red Skin Syndrome. This past Sunday – yesterday I was experiencing increasingly better health and thought it was going to continue, especially since yesterday I felt so fantastic.
For more information, check out www.itsan.org, the (ITSAN) International Topical Steroid Addiction Network.
Day 15 Raw Vegan
Week 3 starts today, sorry there isn’t anything overly exciting on today’s menu.
Brunch – The rest of the raw flatbread from last week to make sandwich today. Cucumber slices, small bunch of spinach, raw mustard, avocado and the rest of the pesto from a week or so ago. It was really good.
Dinner – Cereal and Citrus Coconut Water.
Cereal – My friend brought me over some Buckwheat Groats that she had soaked and prepared so they could be eaten like rice crispies. So I made banana milk with 16 ounces of Libre’s Organic Coconut Water, ½ ripe banana blended until smooth. I poured half of the “milk” into the Groats and sliced ¼ of a banana in to the bowl and sprinkled cinnamon into it. It was pleasant but not reminiscent of rice crispies as I had expected. But they were satisfying.
Citrus Coconut Water – With the rest of the banana milk (about 4 ounces), I added an entire peeled Meyer lemon, whole peeled lime and another 8 ounces of Coconut Water and a pinch of Cayenne pepper. It was actually amazing! I would totally make it again, very refreshing and the little bit of banana milk is what sweetened it up so it wasn’t sour.
Heather Petersen
Facebook: Eczemancipated
Twitter: @HPEsthetics
Posted in Wellness and tagged with eczema, healing naturally, how to heal naturally, Red Skin Syndrome

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Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.
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