Guest Post: Raising Awareness RSS + Raw Vegan Day 1

Day 1 Tally Ho! – Raw Vegan and RSS Fun Facts

Today started off a bit unexpected. Accidentally took Lysine on empty stomach and got nauseous, so my meal plan for the day became a bit messed up. Then, I was juicing my breakfast and the motor of the juicer started smoking! So much for the Waring Pro, time to get a new one. Ok as promised:

Red Skin Syndrome Fun Facts:

  1. In 1952 Topical Corticosteroids became acceptable for use in the treatment of Atopic Dermatitis (Psoriasis, Eczema, etc.)
  2. In 1974 a physician named Dr. Kligman published a report in the International Medical Journal documenting his observations that addiction was occurring when patients used Topical Steroids.

Symptoms included – atrophy of the skin, irregular areas of skin that look like bands stripes or lines, small dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin, depigmentation of African-Americans, steroid Rosacea, perioral dermatitis, steroid acne, itching and inflammation where the skin folds often resulting in infection….

For more information and fun facts, check out, the International Topical Steroid Addiction Network.

Day 1 of 30 Day Raw Vegan Challenge

I should mention that due to food allergies, my diet is rather limited to begin with. As a result, I’m trying to creatively satisfy cravings. So here’s what I ate:

Breakfast – ½ an avocado and fresh Juice

Juice was: 2 Apples, ½ cup blueberries, 2 handfuls mixed baby greens, 1 Meyer lemon peeled, 3 stalks celery and I diluted it with water (about 50% juice/50% water).












Lunch – Mixed Baby Green Salad with Green Apple, Zante Currants, Carrots and Dressing. (Dressing is juice of 1 Meyer lemon, 1 small bunch of finely chopped parsley, pinch of finely chopped dill, Himalayan salt, about a pinch marinated together for about 2 hours. Then pour in 3 times the ratio of Olive oil to Lemon juice and whisk together.)











Dinner – Snap Peas, Yellow squash slices, Zucchini slices and “Guacabouleh”. Best ever dip!











“Guacabouleh” is basically a combination of Guacamole and Tabouleh. I’m currently unable to eat tomatoes, barley, onion or cilantro so this is what I came up with instead. My husband was hogging it up when I get home.

To make: place 4 avocados, ½ cucumber, 2 small bunches finely chopped parsley, juice of 2 limes, ½ teaspoon kosher “real salt” and 5 small cloves garlic in the food processor. Blend until creamy and serve.











Snack – I had planned my snack to be breakfast and my breakfast to be snack. I actually made Christine’s Blueberry Ohs and Banana Milk recipe. ( And then I added my own granola for texture.

Raw Granola: Place 1 apple (no core), ½ cup Zante Currants and 1 cup raw almonds in food processor. Blend to desired texture.













Heather Petersen
Facebook: Eczemancipated

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Christine Roseberry

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Hi, I’m Christine, thanks for stopping by! As a fibromyalgia thriver (symptom-free for over 10 years now thanks to diet and lifestyle changes), it is my passion to share the healing power of food.

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