Guest Post: Day 18 RVC + Creamy Lime Avocado Salad Dressing

Can you believe today is day 18? We are more than half way through! Day 18 of 30 Day Raw Vegan Challenge Brunch was a Chocolate Chia Bowl with Mixed Berries and Bananas: Chia Seeds (3 Tablespoons) Coconut Water (1 Cup) Soak Chia Seeds overnight in Coconut water. Throw it in the blender the next…

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Guest Post: Day 17 RVC + Raw Vegan Not Tuna Salad

The last couple of days I’ve been trying to recuperate from all of our weekend activity. I feel really groggy and absent minded from exhaustion. Yesterday I told Doug that I can’t do more than 2 things a day outside of my normal routine. For instance, Monday through Thursday my normal routine includes 3.5 hours…

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Guest Post: Day 12 Raw Food Challenge + Melon Basil Cheeze Rolls

Well I had to return home today. So my morning was a combination of packing and prepping for the road. I made a 32 oz Green Smoothie,  I called it “Almond Butter Jelly Time” as an inside joke for a good friend. (She is an amazing artist you can find her at and on IG @kristingustavsonfineart)…

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Guest Post: Day 10 Raw Food Challenge + Strawberry Fig Ice Cream

Today was a lovely lazy day with Gramma. I made us a Blueberry Nectarine “Oatmeal” for breakfast. 1 Nectarine 1/2 cup blueberries  1 tsp cinnamon 1/2  cup walnuts 1/2 mulberries 1/2 cup shredded coconut Threw it all in the food processor till it was roughly chopped and mixed. Separated it into 2 bowls and drizzled…

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